Technology Advancement and Its Impact

 The new technology advancement has been happening since the starting of human history. From the invention of things like the knives and spear prepared of sticks and rocks to help in the capturing as well asassassination of animals for food, to things like the first printing press as well as the computer. The main things: are the impacts negative or positive?

A Confident Side

Necessities tend to brood inventions and every invention is occupied with the requirement of transmogrification and betterment. Newer developments are happening by the day. Changes in technology is in great part accountable for some of the secular trends in such fundamental parameters of the human situation as the overall size of the world population, education levels, life expectancy, material living standards and the work nature, health care,communication, war, and the overall effects of human activities on the natural atmosphere. With best technology blog you can get all the needed information such as latest updates about Paytm IPO as well as information about Opstra Options Strategy Builder.

Some other aspects of society as well as our individual lives are even influenced by technology in different indirect and direct ways, together with governance,human relationships, entertainment,and our views on mind, morality, matter, and our personal human nature. Unnecessary to add that these growths even invigorate economic growth as the effective utilization of technology decreases the cost of material production and the overhead costs that generate savings in the financial system and thus lead to national growth. When you will search online, you will find there are many blogs that ready to give you information about Fintech companies in india, its growth potentials, about Bluehost India and many more. These blogs are very useful to improve your knowledge in IT Field. If you are IT specialist then you can even check Computing technology blogs on a regular basis. Recently, I found some Paytm First Games blogs and win a good money after getting knowledge from those blogs.

TheUndesirable Side

Potentials and problems normally go hand in hand; Society has turn into more dependent on technology. Sometimes, we lack the inclination to think before we act. We turn into impatient in case it takes more than some seconds to download a newspaper copy. We assumeinstant responses to our email, as well as we expect anyone to answer their phone call wherever and whenever we call.

Technology is going to make us so bust that we can cannot even find time to spend along with our dear one's. it will be surprising to understand that people are in touch through chat and online messaging even though they are in similar city as they think it is more effective and faster but they are overlooking that meeting personally cannot replace chattingonline.

Although, technology is advanced from last some decades, but we shouldn’t completely depend on the technology. We should try to find natural beauty and its benefits to our life. Technology made our life simpler and but we shouldn’t forget our natural living.


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